Ingredient Spotlight | Coconut

Black woman holding coconut fruit



The weather is hot and the beach is calling our name! There’s nothing anyone wants to do more than lay back in the sand and drink straight out of a coconut somewhere tropical. But coconuts aren’t just for drinking; they’re also a key ingredient in summer skin care products! That’s right, we’re talking about coconut oil and all that it does for our bodies. Most of our products contain coconut oil because of the countless advantages we reap from using these fresh fruits. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of coconut oil!

We use coconut oil in most of our products, whether they be moisturizers, cleansers, or lip balms. Coconut oil is a crucial beauty ingredient when it comes to treating dry skin. Coconut oil contains fatty acids that, when applied to dry skin, keeps it smooth to the touch and hydrated. This aids in keeping skin healthy and reducing the appearance of pores. Because of these properties, coconut oil makes our Antioxidant Beauty Balm so effective in treating dryness (especially in this summer heat). Coconut oil is also loaded with Vitamin E. Vitamin E is necessary for healthy skin growth, repair of damaged skin, and prevents unnecessary cracks. The healing properties that coconut oil possess make our products more effective and incredibly popular with our customers.

For example, we use coconut oil in our Nourishing Face Moisturizer made with Yucca and Coconut. The fatty acids in this oil lock in moisture and create a barrier, through which cracks can’t get through. Coconut oil contains no toxins and is completely edible which makes it so popular with green beauty products!  The oil acts quickly to hydrate and soothes the skin, which in turn will nourish one’s skin/lips/etc. 

So, this summer, ditch those heavy creams and go with a product that is more natural and will leave your skin feeling better than ever. Green beauty is important and made easy with this essential oil. Both your planet and your body will thank you once you realize just how healing coconut oil can be. You deserve the best, and we believe that this ingredient is as good as it gets!


Happy summer beauties!



Hi, which type of coconut oil is best for the skin? Should it be refined or unrefined?


love the info and the pureness of this article. just tried on passion fruit cocktail lip balm LOVE it!

pamela aronica

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