Autumn is full of colorful changes in mother nature, but those changes sometimes cause colds and other unwanted illnesses that most of us cannot afford around the holidays. Fighting a cold doesn’t have to be all medicine and soup. Make the best of your sick day by warming up with this classic cold buster that’s known to shake off those nasty symptoms that keep you awake at night.
I’m all about natural remedies when it comes to, well… anything. I’d take tea and soup over painkillers and decongestant sprays any day. When I was sick with a really bad cold last week, I turned to my favorite fall hot toddy recipe. I’m not sick anymore and I still can’t stop drinking these cozy delicious remedies.
"Hot toddies not only comfort the body, but they contain just as many powers as common cold medicines at the drugstore."

The bourbon is a great decongestant and the alcohol acts as a defense to the growth of harmful bacteria. Not to mention, it will take the edge off when you’re trying to fall asleep!
I've tried so many recipes but I've found that this one works best, plus it tastes really good. Let's get started.

- 8oz boiled water
- 1 Bag Herbal Tea (chamomile or ginger)
- 1oz Bourbon (some like honey bourbon)
- 1 ½oz Apple Cider
- 1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar
- 1 Lemon
- Cinnamon Sticks
While water is boiling, slice lemon and heat apple cider. Pour hot water over herbal tea, and let steep for 3-5 minutes. Remove tea bag, and add bourbon and desired amount of apple cider. You may opt out of apple cider if you prefer a more classic hot toddy. Squeeze in lemon and natural agave nectar.

Garnish with cinnamon. Stir, relax and breathe.
Until next time,

Ivy Dinan is a junior at the University of San Francisco in California. She majors in Marketing and has a minor in Design. Ivy loves all things beauty and has a passion for health and fitness. She enjoys testing out new products and aspires to have her own cruelty-free beauty company.