Keep Your Routine Simple
Stick to a simple skin care routine. Because of the harsh and dry temperatures during the colder months, skin is more prone to irritation, so keep it simple.
Watch What You Eat
During this time of the year, we tend to eat heavier and crave rich foods that may result in clogged pores or breakouts. Reach for fresh fruits and vegetables to help balance out the rich heavy foods that also naturally detoxify the body.
Stay Hydrated
Dry is a great indicator that your skin is dehydrated. So, drink lots of water and fill up on electrolytes.
Don't Skip Sunscreen
Layer Your Products
This applies to both your face and your body. Start with an oil based moisturizer like a serum or face oil followed by your favorite moisturizer. For your body, start with an oil-based body elixir or body oil then reach for thick rich butters that will hydrate and moisturize. Look for ingredients that include glycerin, cocoa butter, shea butter, vitamin A + C, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera.
Use A Humidifier
Blasting the heater indoors feels great, but on the flip side that leads to dry skin. Keep the moisture in the air with a humidifier to help keep skin feeling supple and hydrated.
Reach For A Gentle Face Cleanser
If your tried and true face cleanser is leaving your skin feel dry and tight. Switch it up during the colder months for a less harsh cleanser that will leave your skin feel soft and supple.
Exfoliate, Properly
Dead skin that accumulate on the top surface of your skin prevents your skincare from penetrating into your skin. Exfoliate your face once a week and dry brush (use a soft bristle brush) both your face and body twice a week to gently remove dead skin cells.